sábado, 2 de abril de 2016

OLD school....

Thanks to Billy for her help, and here is a post with many oldies..... ENJOY this MEGA POST (vintage)

5 comentarios:

  1. Great job, man! Really enjoy your work. Love these pics. I had actually been looking for a site where I can follow all of Wolverino's work. I'm so glad I found this one!

    Also, if you're interested in the concept of Mary Jane being a whore, you might like this story that I wrote a while back. It doesn't have any artwork, but it might inspire you! It's called, simply enough, Spider-Man and the Prostitute.


    1. If you want you can post your story in my yahoo group:
      And after i try a way to post your story here (if you want), and share with other Spiderman and Mary jane (the prostitute,je) true believers.
      I'll read it.
      Many Thanks Jack!

    2. Thanks! I would deeply appreciate it if you posted this on your site. Even just linking to it will be enough. It's only five chapters, but I did leave it open for further expansion down the line. So if one of your pictures inspires me, I'll be sure to make use of it! Take care!

  2. Glad I could help, by the way you can find more of your old stuff at these two websites, not sure if you knew about them or not:


  3. Thanks Billy!
    i don`t visit another hentai sites frequently, but sometime before i tried to visit rule 34 and my AV was crazy, after that i never get back to that place. About g hentai, When i was in wwoec forum a member told me he posted my work on that place and i guess these were the same last pieces in wwoec.
